Tutorial 1
This is the first tutorial!
import YAML from 'yaml'
import { Marked } from 'marked';
import { gfmHeadingId } from 'marked-gfm-heading-id';
import { decodeDataURL } from './base64';
import markedAlert from 'marked-alert';
import { markedHighlight } from 'marked-highlight';
import hljs from 'highlight.js';
const frontmatterRegex = /^---((?:\r|\n|.)*?)---/
type fetch = (input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>;
* Takes a URL and reads the markdown from that file.
* This exists because Vite will occasionally decide to turn urls into data urls, which break the fetch provided by Sveltekit
* @param url
* @param ufetch
* @returns
export async function readMarkdown(url: string, ufetch: fetch): Promise<string>
// Check to see if the url is base64
if (url.startsWith("data:"))
return decodeDataURL(url) ?? "";
return (await ufetch(url)).text();
* Takes a markdown string and converts it to HTML, while extracting the frontmatter
* @param markdown
* @returns The HTML string, along with the frontmatter of the markdown
export async function parseMarkdown(markdown: string): Promise<[string, object]>
const marked = new Marked();
let frontmatter = extractFrontmatter(markdown);
// we need to remove the frontmatter to prevent issues when parsing the markdown
markdown = removeFrontmatter(markdown);
// convert the markdown into html
// configure marked
marked.use(gfmHeadingId()); // Add unique IDs to headers
marked.use(markedAlert()); // Add GitHub markdown alerts
emptyLangClass: 'hljs',
langPrefix: 'hljs language-',
highlight(code, lang, info) {
const language = hljs.getLanguage(lang) ? lang : 'plaintext';
return hljs.highlight(code, { language }).value;
let html = await marked.parse(markdown);
return [html, frontmatter];
* Converts the frontmatter of markdown into a JavaScript object
* @param markdown The markdown to extract the frontmatter of
* @returns The parsed frontmatter as an object
export function extractFrontmatter(markdown: string): object
if (frontmatterRegex.test(markdown))
let matches = markdown.match(frontmatterRegex);
let yaml = matches?.[1];
if (yaml != null)
return YAML.parse(yaml);
return {};
function removeFrontmatter(markdown: string): string
return markdown.replace(frontmatterRegex, "");